The name is Nook. A simple one syllable name but Nook’s personality is
complex. The words dynamic, unique, articulate, and intriguing are words
that describe Nook. He is of Puerto Rican and Hawaiian decent born in the
Washington DC suburb of Bethesda, Maryland. Growing up a Navy brat living
in many places for short periods of time and spending each summer in South
Bronx (NY) helped to make him at ease in many different situations while
also giving him a place to call home. South Bronx is where he discovered
his passion for music. There he wrote rhymes day and night, while living in
a small apartment in St. Mary’s Park. He was taught that if you use the
talents in which God gives you, you will thrive to excellence. Nook
believes his gift is a talent for music. The genesis of Nook’s display of
his passion occurred in the basement of his home in Dale City, Virginia on
a Karaoke machine. At the age of 12, he wrote and completed his first
single and shortly after came his first album.